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Default Fields

A screenshot that shows an empty table with its default fields.

This is the default view and page for an table. Notice there are multiple columns which are present in the header. These are the system columns which are present on all tables.

In some situations, viewing these system fields may be useful. Below is an outline of what each of these system fields do.

System FieldDescription
Created ByOutputs the name of the user who created the item
CreatedOutputs a date in which the item was created
Modified ByIf the entity was edited, the name of user who edited will be displayed
ModifiedOutputs the date in which the item was edited
Parent Displaysthe parent of the item (if applicable)
Linked TasksAn array of tasks linked to an item

These columns cannot be deleted and are necessary for Rapid to function correctly. These system columns will automatically be removed from the view if there are custom columns added to a table.